Bhramari Breath - Bumble Bee Breath

Bumble Bee Breath - also known as Bhramari Pranayama.

Our own hum has a beautiful soothing effect on our nervous system due to the location of our vagus nerve and voice box.

In this breath soft humming sound like that of a bumble bee is made on the exhale.

The hand position is called Sanmukhi Mudra which works to shut off the mind from the five senses which brings us into a state of Pratyahara (sense withdrawal)

Place the thumbs over the flaps of the ears and press them to create a seal. Place the index and middle fingers over the eyes, rest the ring fingers on the nostrils and the pinky fingers on the lips. This mudra unites the nerves in the hands with the tri-geminal nerves of the face (tri geminal is one nerve that branches out to the maxilliary mandibular and optical nerves of the face)

Keeping your mouth closed inhale then exhale slowly and evenly while making a deep and steady humming noise. Try to keep the it smooth, even and continuous.

Practice for around 5-10 rounds.

Perfect for before bed, it can be done seated or laying down.

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